Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Favorite Toys & New Bob!

This is Bob. Betty made him and he is so cool. She is an impressive toy maker. He has super

powers, he shoots out plasma. Betty is our friend, well mom's friend, but she likes to be with kids

too. She took us out for lunch, we were like a gang at a restaurant, but we didn't steal, we just

acted a tiny bit crazy. I ate with chopsticks today for the first time. Then we went to the park,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Now Bob is home with my best friends that all have super powers: Pengwy, Mama Alligator,
Henry Hippo, Moose, Spider Dog, Flame Frog,Crocky, Snakey. I can't find my first guy, Latte.
The human is me. So long. Farewell. Nice talking to you. Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Angel said...

I am jealous of all your cool toys.

Kai the Bug Guy said...

I can put some up for adoption if you would like to have one.

Jo Ann said...

You are so funny Kai. I liked hanging with you today.

Melissa (Melgurl) said...

Bob is cute,and Hans my bear says hello to Bob and you.